Tails Of Curious Cases


‘This book is an accumulation of tales, curious tales of curious characters, some fourlegged, others two less. A collection of stories to evoke all elements of your senses, but mostly showing the intrinsically weird and wonderful life of animals and their people.

Should I be asked to summarise the scope of my experience as a vet over the past decade, working at home in Ireland and other corners of the world, I would conclude that veterinary is a curious profession, full of curious characters.

‘Veterinary Medicine’ is a romantic term. A romantic notion that has an enthralling nature, it captures us all. It lures us in with its preconceived idealism of white puppies and blue-eyed kittens. Delve a little deeper and the reality of a life as a vet is, yes, undoubtedly endlessly rewarding in many ways, but in the same sentence, it is a vocation of personal cost, a roller coaster of emotions, and it is no 9-5.’

I have enjoyed every moment of writing this book. It contains stories I have gathered from all over the world, working as a vet. The library of stories between the covers of this book are often bizarre, insightful, laughter inducing, sometimes emotional, and always honest.

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