The Science Behind it all…

Herbalism in Veterinary Medicine looks at treating the patient as a whole animal, rather than treating the disease or
the symptoms alone. It is based on thousands of years of traditional use throughout human and veterinary medicine and is now being combined with more recent ongoing research which is unveiling the undeniable potency of nature’s powerful medicinal benefits in the support of animal illness. Herbal remedies comprise the basis of all medicines and it is where all of our medical education stems from.

At Natural Vet Co, we use this knowledge combined with Veterinary Medicinal care to support our patients using natural remedies.

How does it differ from
conventional medicines?

Conventional medicine involves the approach of assessing the patient’s illness as a collection of symptoms and often the use of pharmaceutical based treatment plans. The medications used may be synthesised or extracted from plant materials in laboratory settings. Herbalism differs in that our treatment plans often involve lifestyle and diet changes as well as using whole plant parts to treat the ongoing illness or to maintain health thereafter. 

how do herbs work
as medicine?

Plant compounds contained in herbal remedies include well known nutrients like vitamins and essential fatty acids. They also contain potent compounds such as antioxidants, antimicrobials or anti-inflammatories, providing them with their medicinal properties. Plants also have other medicinal properties such as dextoxifying properties, tonifying properties and warming or cooling properties which have no equivalent in conventional medicine but provide another realm to the abilities of herbal treatments which we can use to help our patients.
These properties of plants give them their medicinal benefits. Plants can work synergistically in specific pairings and the individual animal’s response to these herbs often differ.

Western herbal medicine can be used to support a wide array of medical ailments which include; skin conditions, anxiety and nervous system related conditions, arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions, digestive issues, respiratory issues, geriatric support, endocrine imbalances, nervous system illnesses, urinary and renal conditions and cardiac issues. 

Herbal medicine can be used in dogs, cats and all other animals with the correct knowledge from a Veterinary Herbalist. Western Veterinary Herbalism can be tapped into in the support of many illnesses when the correct balance is found by individual assessment.

Herbs can be used as a sole supportive means or in conjunction with conventional medicine. Herbal medicine can also be used as a bridging support to help wean some animals down on some of the conventional treatment therapies ongoing, when appropriate.



Herbal medicine is a natural means to support our animals and has far less side effects on our animal’s health longterm than many conventional medicines. There are side effects of herbs and there are potential drug interactions. This is why it is important that a Veterinary Herbalist formulates the treatments for your animal. Sinéad applies her knowledge across both fields and will always incorporate this into her patients’ treatment plan. Each plan is a thoroughly thought out and individualised process.