Pre & Pro Biotic Digestive Care


This biscuit is small but mighty! If your dog’s tummy is upset or their stool is abnormal, it is likely that the balance of their digestive flora & fauna is off, we can fix this! By giving your pet this biscuit, you are giving them all of the prebiotics & probiotics they need. This will re-balance the good and bad bacteria in the gut and re-establish better gut health which causes a knock on effect on everything else in the body!

The formulation also contains natural, toxin-absorbing clay, as well as high dose Marshmallow and Fennel to soothe the digestive system. I have also packed in some essential minerals which are often depleted in our pets. These help to maintain normal gut absorption and movements, ultimately leading to a healthier digestive system and microbiome, which has a huge impact on your pet’s overall health and happiness!

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