Skin Problems?
Alternative Veterinary Care
to Support Your Pets Skin Condition

Conditions of the skin in dogs and cats is a constant problem we tackle as Veterinarians.
In many small animal practices, skin conditions in dogs makes up 1 of every 3 consults seen. This is a huge
proportion and is becoming more and more frequent in domesticated dogs and cats.

For Veterinary pharmaceuticals, medications to treat skin conditions in dogs is the most dominant form of
veterinary medication, superseding antibiotics, pain relief and other medications. Skin conditions are commonly
associated with immune reactions meaning that the animal becomes allergic to some form of allergen
(chemical causing the allergy).

Allergies can be caused by external environmental allergens or an internal reaction to the animals food which
causes the allergic response. Once the dog or cat becomes allergic to an allergen they then begin to have recurrent flare ups of skin inflammation. There are many different skin conditions which dogs and cats can develop. Conditions of the skin can present in many forms such as infection, inflammation, irritation or the animal can just be itchy with no visual changes of the skin. When it comes to itchy skin and when the symptoms of this become repetitive
and persistent the animal may have a condition called ‘atopy’. Atopy is when the body over produces an
immunoglobulin E (IgE) which causes an allergic response. The pet is then said to be hypersensitive to otherwise
harmless substances. Pets can become allergic to substances they were never previously allergic to and it is not necessarily always a condition present as a pup.

Atopic animals tend to suffer from recurrent episodes of skin flare ups. This can present as an ear infection, small scabs
over the skin, pustules or spot like lesions on the belly, gnawing at the paws or other distinct changes of the skin.
These changes to the skin and ears are secondary changes to an underlying condition which is a hypersensitive
immune system. No matter what the change in the skin is that you see in your pet the common denominator for atopic
animals is that they are itchy. The allergen (substance which is causing the allergic reaction) causes different changes
seen to the skin but overall the skin becomes irritated and the animal becomes itchy.

For any pet who suffers from skin issues, time and care are required to fully assess the case and develop an appropriate
plan as to how to unravel and resolve the itchy skin. There are patterns and flags that give some indication as to whether
the pet is reacting to an external or internal cause of the itch. However there are many patients who are allergic to more
than one allergen and sometimes a combination of internal and external allergens. This is when it becomes difficult
to eliminate the cause of the problem.

Skin problems in dogs and cats can often become overwhelming. There are many conventional medications
which exist that act to reduce the allergic response of the body to different allergens. These medications are
often prescribed by veterinarians when the cause of the problem cannot or has not been identified and eliminated.
These medications are growing in their use and are often required to manage skin conditions. More natural supportive
means can be integrated into that pets care or used to support their skin barrier restoration.

A dog or cat who is suffering from inflammatory flare ups and itchy skin requires time and effort to reestablish a balance
within their gut and other systems in order to detoxify from the causal factors of these flare ups.

Consultations with Natural Vet Co.

Online Consultations are available through Natural Vet Co. for these patients who are seeking more natural means to
support chronic and persistent skin issues. An integrative approach combining both an understanding of conventional
medicine and veterinary herbal medicine is used to construct a holistic plan for the support of your pet.

For cases who present with the problem of itchy and unresolving skin issues, recurrent ear infections or other persistent skin problems,
Natural Veterinary Care can provide an alternative solution to help alleviate your pets discomfort. Natural Herbal remedies can be
integrated into your pets care to help support them in restoring health and balance.

A full picture of the animals health care is needed to fully understand their condition.
This includes, diet, environment and medical history.
Through firstly studying the full medical history of the patient, patterns can become recognised. A lot of time goes into these cases and it is always
an unravelling of sorts to try to establish an understanding of the individual case and the possible individual causes of the developed
skin condition. After analysing the medical history of the animal, assessing the information and gaining an understanding of that animal’s
general character, environment, toxin exposure and dietary intake, an individualised plan is then developed for that patient.

Many of my patients who have started on their holistic care journeys may require diet tweaking, herbal supplementation and or other implemented changes to their daily routine. The herbs I use when supporting animals with skin conditions are high in natural elements which provide an anti-inflammatory response and allow the skin to calm and heal.

Our goals are to allow a process of detoxifying to take place, secondly to establish homeostasis within the gut and this in turn over time will allow balance to be regained within the body. Herbal remedies are always individualised for these patients. Herbs are normally prescribed in a liquid form to begin with and plans tweaked as needed as we go along. Herbal remedies in liquid form are stronger and hold more potent medicinal benefits than their dried equivalents. Once the canine or feline optimal dose of medicinal herb is reached the benefits become apparent with time. After this initial period of higher doses the dosages can be reduced and ultimately many dogs only require herbal supplementing two to three times weekly to hold the initial beneficial effect. This varies but our guidance and support at Natural Vet Co. is always present.

As a Vet, I recognise the need for conventional medications also when appropriate. The goal of holistic veterinary care is not to eliminate
the use of the conventional medications but to allow alternative routes of care to be explored at the maximum benefit of the animal’s long term health.

Through returning to
nature we are allowing the natural benefits of plants to heal our pets.

Allowing Nature to work with Nature with minimal intervention. Dogs in the wild rarely exhibit skin conditions!
Through implementing changes which facilitate a detoxifying process to occur, we can support the skin through its
healing process and ultimately help reduce and alleviate some of the inflammation and
allergic responses which cause the itchy and irritated skin. The animal will often be more calm in themselves
and become more content once the symptoms of their condition are supported. It is wonderful to see this when it happens.

If your pet is having recurrent and persistent skin problems I would encourage you to get in touch and book a Holistic Consultation
with us to help us to strengthen and restore your pets optimal health.

With Care, Sinéad